Keep a Record

Posted by Admin

This a free diary offers rich-text formatting, which means you can spice up your entries with snappy fonts and colors.

iDaily Diary is a free, page-a-day diary program that offers rich-text formatting, which means you can spice up your entries with fun fonts and colors. iDaily Diary entries will also accept images and hyperlinks. There's no limit to how long your "page-a-day" entries can be.

iDaily Diary offers at least two big advantages over paper diaries: first, no matter how sprawling your diary becomes, you can always find a passage again using the Search feature.

Second, iDaily Diary offers password-protection and encryption that's a heck of a lot more secure than those tiny little diary locks that you can open with your thumbnail. If you'd like to put some of your musings online, you'll be glad to know you can export entries in HTML format. Store your diary on a USB drive and you can update it anytime you're near a computer.

A $30 Pro edition of iDaily Diary packs extra features, such as the option to export the entire diary, but even the free version boasts support for multiple languages, including Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Turkish and Japanese.


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