Use this tool to find the right word you need.
Mobysaurus Thesaurus is a comprehensive, feature-rich, easy-to-use English thesaurus for Windows.
In addition to numerous built-in powerful features (usually seen only in commercial products), it offers some major unique benefits that no other thesaurus product (software or otherwise) does, including a huge database of 2.5 million synonyms, Find Synonymous Headwords and Suggest Headwords, that make this free thesaurus software the right tool for you to find the right words at the right time.
- Over 30,000 headwords and 2,500,000 synonyms
- Fast and full-featured wildcard search
- Hotkey support (look up words within most programs, e.g., Microsoft Word)
- Cross-referencing
- Display related headwords
- Fast find synonymous headwords with structural view, ideal for serious word hunters (major unique feature)
- Headword suggestion and full-text search, saves you troubles and hassles figuring out the "most suitable" headwords (major unique feature)
- WordWeb support
- Tabbed interface
- Full clipboard/print support
- Extra online references
- Save and manage search history and favorites across sessions
- Safe search
- Suggest-as-you-type
Operating Systems: Win All, with .NET Framework 2.0 installed
File size: 4.8 MB
Developer: Mobysaurus

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