Manage your e-book collection with this freeware.

Posted by Admin


My Ebook Library Beta is a free desktop application for Windows XP that allows you to easily catalogue and manage your Ebook collection.


Supports the most popular Ebook extensions: PDF, CHM, LIT, DOC, HTM, HTML, RTF, TXT, DJV, DJVU, PDB, PRC.

Catalogues Ebooks stored in multiple folder locations on your system.

The online book database allows you to quickly download book information and cover-art for the books in your collection.

Supports both 10 and 13 digit format ISBNs.

Handy ISBN capture tool allows easy entry of ISBNs from the Ebook or other resources.

Automatic extraction of ISBNs from filenames of E-books.

Prevents duplicate Ebooks existing on disk, based upon the ISBN.

Create your own custom Ebook collections to group books by your current learning objectives. A single Ebook can exist in multiple collections.

Search the Ebook library by title to quickly locate matching entries.

Supports grouping and browsing of Ebooks by author name.

Auto-collection functionality displays the last read, most popular, and newest additions to the library.

Ebooks can be removed from the library without being removed from disk.

Can comfortably handle libraries of up to 5000 Ebooks.

License type: Freeware
Operating Systems: Windows XP with .NET Framework installed.
File size: 1.52 MB
My Ebook Library

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