Track software vulnerabilities.
The Secunia Personal Software Inspector BETA works by examining files on your computer (primarily .exe, .dll, and .ocx files). These files contain non-specific meta information provided by the software vendor only. This data is the same for all users, and originates from the installed programs on your computer - never from their configuration. Please read the privacy statement available at the bottom of this page and through the Secunia PSI application for more details about how information from your computer is used by Secunia.After examining all the files on your local hard drive(s), the collected data is sent to Secunia's servers, which match the data against the Secunia File Signatures engine ( to determine the exact applications installed on your system.
This information can then be used to provide you with a detailed report of the missing security related updates for your system.
Purpose of the Secunia PSI
The Secunia PSI is an invaluable tool for you to use when assessing the security patch state of software installed on your system. It constantly monitors your system for insecure software installations, notifies you when an insecure application is installed, and even provides you with detailed instructions for updating the application when available.
It is NOT the purpose of the Secunia PSI to detect whether your system has already been compromised or if local changes, settings, or missing requirements could cause the Secunia PSI to report incorrect results. The Secunia PSI relies on the meta-data of executables and library files. The Secunia PSI does NOT conduct an integrity check of the individual files, rather, it checks whether a specific program is vulnerable according to the reported version numbers and not whether the files have been compromised or replaced by other users or programs.
The Secunia PSI is not a replacement for other security measures such anti-virus or personal firewalls, the Secunia PSI is a great supplement to other security measures such as anti-virus and personal firewalls as it helps preventing exploitation of often overlooked exposures.
Additionally, it is important to understand that the process of identifying insecure software installations on any system involves many different factors and, in rare cases, may result in incorrect detections. Should you encounter such a situation, please send your feedback and all relevant information at
NOTE: The free Secunia PSI is available for Private/Home Users ONLY.
License type: Freeware
Operating Systems: Windows 2000 SP4, Windows 2003, Windows XP SP2, latest version of Microsoft Windows Update Agent (WUA)
File size: 3.8 MB
Developer: Secunia
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