Keep your confidential info under wraps and well-encrypted with this secure notepad program.

Posted by Admin


Steganos LockNote will change the way you work with confidential notes. Application and document in one: the mechanism to encrypt and decrypt a note is part of it. Secure, simple, independent. No installation required.

Why use Steganos LockNote?

  • Store your most valuable notes as a LockNote
    Hide your serial numbers, passwords, phone numbers and everyday notes in a safe place. Your informations will be encryp
    ted using a password and most modern AES 256bit encryption technology.
  • Secure, yet simple
    Just double-click a LockNote and enter your password to access your text files as usual.
  • No installation required
    Move LockNotes wherever you want, as often as you want. A LockNote document does not require much more hard drive space than an unencrypted document.
  • Encrypt existing text files in no time at all
    Simply drag and drop existing text files
    on a LockNote window: they will be encrypted automatically.
  • Open and free
    LockNote is open sou rce and is based upon open source technologies, e.g. the certified CryptoPP program library for strong encryption.

License type: Freeware
OS: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP or better
File size: 312 KB
Developer: Steganos GmbH

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