How weird are you? Find out this simulation, which includes a personality test.
Posted by AdminThe developers of The Restaurant promise that anyone who makes it through a full round will receive credits on a future game as a "Game Developer" plus and receive a personality analysis based on how they played the game. Here's how the game works. After a brief training session, you sign up to play with another person through one of some 80 servers around the country.
If you're first in line, you become a waitress. The second person is the only customer. Simple animated 3D figures represent each player. Both of you can move around, pick up things, eat, and communicate by typing. As the waitress, I started out with the usual. "Your menu. Could I get you a glass of wine, yada, yada." Pretty boring, huh? But then I remembered, that's a real human being behind that avatar. That means I could screw with him.
So I began dredging up Monty Python and Marx Brothers routines, describing the glories of a raspberry tart and then returning from the kitchen to tell him the cook had just eaten the last piece. This was great fun until the customer got sick of me and left early, apparently by just disconnecting because that aborted the game, and I never got my promised character analysis. No big deal. I've already been told I'm a smart-aleck.
Reviewed by: Ron White, PC World contributor
License type: Freeware
OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, MAC OS X
Developer: Jeff Orkin
Windows version (30 MB)
Mac OSX (Universal) (33 MB)
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