
Posted by Admin


YamiPod is a freeware application to efficiently manage your iPod under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. It can be run directly from your iPod and needs no installation. Take a look at the feature list to find out wh
at it can do and feel free to suggest anything that might be missing.


- stand alone program, no installation required
- iPod is automatically recognized
- mp3 and AAC files can be copied to/from iPod
- read/write access to mp3 id3 and AAC infos
- playlist support (On-The-Go included)
- playlists import (PLS,M3U)
- playlists export (PLS,M3U)
- full unicode support
- auto-download new versions
- advanced song import/export settings
- 2 restore features
- built in music player
- iPod informations
- 2 search features
- remove duplicated tracks
- find lost music files
- easy ratings edit
- PC to iPod synchronization
- create and edit notes (with unicode support)
- automatically update song playcounts
- News RSS and podcasts to iPod upload
- Growl support (Apple only)
- export song lists to HTML or plain text files
- multiple iPods support
- Last.fm support

License type: Freeware
Operating Systems: Windows versions, Linux versions with GTK 2.0, Mac OS 10.2 or newer
File size: 4.4 MB
Developer: The XOOPS Project

Note: Windows versions only, other OS versions are available for download through their website.

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What is Freeware?

Freeware is copyrighted computer software which is made available for use free of charge, for an unlimited time. Authors of freeware often want to "give something to the community", but also want credit for their software and to retain control of its future development. Source: Wikipedia

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