Sharpshooter's Miniature Golf

Posted by Admin

Sharpshooter's Miniature Golf is 3D miniature golf fully
realized for up to 4
players, and the game includes pinball
bumpers, conveyor belts, warp zones,
water and sand
hazards, oscillating blocks, tilted slopes, and railings that

all react and interact with your ball's movement. There are
135 complete and
unique holes and at the same time it is
a completely customizable minigolf world
with you at design
controls which are entirely easy to use and make course
possibilities unlimited. 5 different tile schemes also
add flavor to the courses,
and the ability to rotate the
playing field 360 degrees in all directions adds
an aspect
not found in many mini golf titles.Plus, you can choose any
MIDI music
file as background music for each hole.

License type: Free
OS: Windows versions
File size: 3.16 MB
Requirements: 900 MHz CPU or higher, OpenGL updated, DirectX 7.0 or higher
Developer: John Kotas


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