Windows Memory Diagnostic

Posted by Admin

If your system crashes often and you're getting blue screens loaded with error messages, your problem may be bad system memory. Use this diagnostic tool for a quick checkup.

To run Windows Memory Diagnostic, you must reboot your computer with the disk or CD-ROM on which you installed Windows Memory Diagnostic in the drive. After the reboot, Windows Memory Diagnostic will load and its interface will appear. After loading, the first test pass will begin, using the default standard test suite, and continue until complete, unless Windows Memory Diagnostic is either paused or exited. Once the first test pass is complete, Windows Memory Diagnostic will begin a second test pass using the same settings as before. Windows Memory Diagnostic will continue to run test passes until you exit.

System requirements:

Windows Memory Diagnostic supports x86-based computers with the following microprocessors:

- Intel(tm) - Pentium or Celeron families
- AMD - K6, Athlon, or Duron families
- Microprocessors compatible with those listed

You can test all types of RAM that run on x86-based computers with the supported microprocessors. However, if you have error checking and correcting (ECC) RAM, Windows Memory Diagnostic may not report any errors because the ECC mechanism automatically detects and corrects the error. It might still be useful to run Windows Memory Diagnostic if you have ECC RAM because it may detect errors that the ECC RAM is unable to correct (which indicates problems with the RAM).

Windows Memory Diagnostic is limited to testing only the first 4 gigabytes (GB) of RAM. If you have more than 4 GB of RAM, the remaining RAM after the first 4 GB will not be tested by Windows Memory Diagnostic.

License: Freeware
Size: 640 Kb
OS: Windows versions
Developer: Microsoft


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