Powerful tool to quickly find definitions, synonyms, and even pronunciations.

Posted by Admin


is a free English thesaurus and dictionary for Windows, and can be used to look up words from within almost any program in just one click. It works off-line, but can also look up words in web references such as the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Features of the free version include:

Definitions and synonyms
Proper nouns
Related words

150 000 root words
120 000 synonym sets
Look up words in almost any program

The software has a full dictionary and thesaurus for American, British, Canadian, Australian, Indian, and global English.

WordWeb is fully functional, but to use it you must satisfy the licensing conditions.

License type: Freeware
Operating Systems: Windows 9.x, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
File size: 7.4 MB
Developer: Antony Lewis

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What is Freeware?

Freeware is copyrighted computer software which is made available for use free of charge, for an unlimited time. Authors of freeware often want to "give something to the community", but also want credit for their software and to retain control of its future development. Source: Wikipedia

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