Comodo Free Firewall
Posted by AdminPUBLISHERS DESCRIPTION:Comodo's free Firewall product offers a richer feature set and better protection than paid-for versions from the likes of Mcaffee or Zonealarm. Suitable for both home users and businesses alike, the firewall features both inbound and outbound packet filtering in combination with robust outbound application filtering at the network layer. The new-look interface facilitates quick and easy access to all major settings, including the powerful and highly configurable security rules interface.
License type: Freeware
OS: Windows 2000 (32 bit ALL), Windows XP (32 bit ALL), Windows 2003 (32 bit ALL)
RAM: 64 MB available
Disk Space: 32 MB of available free hard disk space
File size: 7.57 MB
Developer: Comodo
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